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In a highly cluttered online environment, it is vital for brands to maintain and grow a content-powered online presence. Moreover, content for content’s sake will no longer do. If a brand is to stand out, it needs to take charge of the conversation and steer it in new directions. Star Squared PR helps you do exactly that.

Our content experts work closely with you to understand your voice and message and build a content strategy that best upholds both. From timely press releases and social media announcements to thought leadership material from your CEO’s desk, we create content assets that attract and retain audiences consistently. With us, you’ll never have to worry about generic, keyword-stuffed blog posts – everything we write has character and vitality, qualities your audience will associate with your brand before long.


Related Services

  • With over 50 years of collective experience, we’ve built media relations across all the major Indian cities and are adept at navigating the dynamic media landscapes

  • We help you build, maintain and protect your brand reputation, a critical asset in today’s interconnected world. We monitor what your customers are saying and solicit genuine reviews to boost your online credibility

  • We help clients stand out in the oversaturated digital space through targeted content that informs, inspires and engages

  • We work proactively with journalists to develop immediate responses as well as a mitigation strategy to avoid lasting impacts

  • We offer tailored training to help clients excel at media engagements and help refine their messaging

  • Through our curated media placements and thought leadership exposure, we help brands build robust reputations and a loyal

  • Our marketing and communications plans speak to the aspirations of the end customer and position the client as the answer to