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The Media segment is an evolving sector like any other industry. It is important for anyone who wishes to engage with them to understand the nuances of media and journalism. As one of the Top PR Firms in India, we offer in-depth counsel and training to our clients to help them build winning media engagement strategies.

How a brand presents itself to the media plays a big role in how the media portrays them. As a leading PR agency in India, we offer the best advice on how to interact comfortably and knowledgeably with the media. The sessions help your brand’s spokesperson overcome their nervousness and develop the right messaging, posturing, attitude, etc.

The topics we cover in the training sessions include

  • Developing messages for your company that resonate with the media
  • Determining what media outlets are really looking for
  • Getting what you want into media stories
  • Reformatting your messages and answers to fit the format the media is asking for, like sound bites and quotes


Related Services

  • With over 50 years of collective experience, we’ve built media relations across all the major Indian cities and are adept at navigating the dynamic media landscapes

  • We help you build, maintain and protect your brand reputation, a critical asset in today’s interconnected world. We monitor what your customers are saying and solicit genuine reviews to boost your online credibility

  • We help clients stand out in the oversaturated digital space through targeted content that informs, inspires and engages

  • Content is king, as they say, and we at SSPR know our monarchs well. We craft targeted and thoughtful content that establishes

  • We work proactively with journalists to develop immediate responses as well as a mitigation strategy to avoid lasting impacts

  • Through our curated media placements and thought leadership exposure, we help brands build robust reputations and a loyal

  • Our marketing and communications plans speak to the aspirations of the end customer and position the client as the answer to