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It is no secret that when your brand enjoys a robust corporate reputation, it’s easier to market your products and services and also to attract the best talent. Star Squared PR has extensive experience working with companies of all stripes, and we help you build a corporate reputation that distinguishes you from the crowd and helps you weather the changing tides of public opinion with grace.

Our corporate reputation services include designing your brand voice, monitoring social conversations, monitoring online reviews, positioning your messaging to fit your voice, securing thought leadership placements in appropriate trade journals and more. The goal is to create a narrative for your brand that transcends shifting trends and positions you as a company to always count on. Over the years, we’ve shaped the reputations of over 100 clients as a leading PR agency in India.


Related Services

  • With over 50 years of collective experience, we’ve built media relations across all the major Indian cities and are adept at navigating the dynamic media landscapes

  • We help you build, maintain and protect your brand reputation, a critical asset in today’s interconnected world. We monitor what your customers are saying and solicit genuine reviews to boost your online credibility

  • We help clients stand out in the oversaturated digital space through targeted content that informs, inspires and engages

  • Content is king, as they say, and we at SSPR know our monarchs well. We craft targeted and thoughtful content that establishes

  • We work proactively with journalists to develop immediate responses as well as a mitigation strategy to avoid lasting impacts

  • We offer tailored training to help clients excel at media engagements and help refine their messaging

  • Our marketing and communications plans speak to the aspirations of the end customer and position the client as the answer to