PR for Small Businesses in India
1 Jul 2016
According to the ‘’Small and Medium Business Chamber of India’, in our country this sector currently has over 36 million units providing employment to over 80 million people across the country. The Sector boasts of more than 6,000 products that in turn contribute to 8% of the GDP while contributing 45% to the manufacturing output and 40% to exports from the country. No doubt then that the SME sector has the potential to galvanize industrial growth in our economy.
The above stats clearly outline the rich potential for this sector in India. However one challenge that plagues this sector is the poor marketing that goes with most small and medium companies. In an emerging global economy, it is a universal truth that no company needs to consider their customers as being local, especially when there is massive potential in reaching customers from around the world. No secret then that even SME’s and SMB’s need to build brands.
PR is hence an effective tool in building a credible image for a brand. Any average sized business should look at engaging with a PR exercise to reach their milestones. At Star Squared PR, we develop custom made PR campaigns depending on the company, the nature of business, the USP of the brand, its competition and such related aspects.
There are many tools within PR that a small scale business can adopt to build their profile.
Every company has a product or service that is the crux of their business. Leveraging this aspect in the media through clever means is a route that can be adopted. Careful messaging along with supported proof points will lend the necessary leverage to feature such stories in the media. Product visibility can also be adapted through events, seminars, etc. which can be further showcased to the press.
This is one of the most effective tools in establishing the credentials of a company. Building effective thought leadership will also help give credence to the overall image of the company. This needs to be achieved by understanding the category that the company operates in and then weaving industry messaging around this, that are informative and factual. Such messages can be featured in a variety of media these days both online and offline.
The CEO of the company is typically the spokesperson of the business and is the face representing it. Building an image around him that goes with the image of the company is nothing but spokesperson profiling. While one hears mostly of the spokesperson being profiled from a business aspect in the media and to external stakeholders, at times even their personal aspects such as hobbies and other passions can also be leveraged to showcase a well-rounded individual at the reins of the company. Such efforts are a collaborative process between the spokesperson and Star Squared PR to achieve success.
It is a wrong notion to think small companies in India do not need PR for their branding and communication efforts. PR is a strategic tool for any business small or big, however the trick lies in adopting strategies that are conducive specifically to your brand and category.