Author Archives: starsquaredpr@admin
Why companies must have a Social Media Policy in the Digital Era
Social media is a highly saturated space, and being original is essential for you to make a mark and build a loyal audience. However, when you’re running an official company account, you can’t just hand over control to an intern and say ‘go crazy’. From house style guidelines to specific dos and don’ts, every company […]
How to write a Killer Press Release
Whether you’re trying your hand at PR copy for the first time or have been in the game for years, a big part of your writing routine is bound to involve press releases. Essentially, a press release is an official statement related to a specific update that an organisation wants to share with the outside […]
How Leaders communicate bad news
No one likes to be the bearer of bad news. And yet as a leader, there will be times when you’ll have the unpleasant duty of sharing news your audience doesn’t want to hear. Perhaps you had a factory strike on account of which your clients’ shipments will be delayed by some months. Or perhaps […]
How brands can fight Media Fatigue in todays cluttered Media space
Life in the digital age has its benefits, but one of the side effects is the constant bombardment of information. Particularly over the last two years, all the updates about new Covid variants and lockdown restrictions have wearied even avid phone users of looking at their screens. While as individuals we may put away our […]
The 5 Best Books for Upping your PR Game
As the new year rolls around, you’re probably chalking up goals and plans for how to be a better PR writer. The biggest part of this, naturally, is writing more and writing smartly. Many writers will say that reading isn’t as important as honing your writing skills through practice – and sure, practical experience has […]